About the Award
The Real Estate Excellence Award has been presented in many countries for over 25 years and is considered one of the most coveted international awards for construction projects.
Embedded in this worldwide competition, Saudi Arabia is one of 28 countries that offer The Real Estate Excellence Award as a national prize.
The FIABCI is an international real estate association that has existed for over 70 years and has around 2,500 members in 47 countries. The association offers its members the opportunity to build international business relationships and supports exchanges at local, national, and global levels. The FIABCI promotes the cultivation of relationships among members through international events such as the FIABCI World Congress.
FIABCI OF SAUDI ARABIA sees itself as a platform for the international exchange of experience and thus as a complement to the activities of the domestic real estate associations. The KSA national delegation regularly organizes events, specialist lectures, and excursions to current real estate locations at home and abroad.
As part of the international FIABCI community, we offer based on a strong local platform and networking - the opportunity to expand business relationships worldwide and invite you to exciting excursions and events.
Payton Hillman
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Chloe Wilson
Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Jessica Davis
Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.


With the Real Estate Excellence Award, we stimulate dialogue on socially relevant topics and promote creating and maintaining intelligent living spaces in Saudi Arabia.
We invite you to a nationwide competition recognizing outstanding KSA real estate projects with excellent overall concepts.
The Real Estate Excellence Award aims to promote innovation and quality awareness in the industry, focus on sustainable projects and their social benefits, honor their protagonists, and present them to the wider public.
Buildings shape people - for generations! We spend over 90% of our time indoors. They are our "framework" and influence our well-being, our interactions, and our social development. Ecological
and economic aspects are also very important. Since the construction of real estate consumes enormous resources, future usability is very important.
And our Real Estate Excellence Award is intended to be a contribution to this!
The topics of future and sustainability are interdisciplinary, very complex, and difficult to categorize and evaluate – especially if one wants to assess projects as a whole.
The Real Estate Excellence Award takes on this difficult task.
The success proved us right after the first Award: Around 50 outstanding KSA real estate projects were submitted to the first competition in 2018, and the awards ceremony was sold out with 230 guests. Five KSA winners were chosen for the Real Estate Excellence Award. Two of these projects prevailed against great international projects in the global Award, in categories that are of the greatest importance worldwide: Sustainability and Affordable housing.
With the Real Estate Excellence Award, we use excellent KSA real estate projects to illustrate the importance of future orientation and sustainability in real estate.
We would like to communicate this widely with the support of the industry. So that as many future projects as possible
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